N. crassa VDAC based on PDB 2K4T (Phyre 2)

Credit: Rana Ahmed

Credit: Sabbir Shuvo
Our current research focuses on
Recently, we began the search for mitochondrial inner membrane transporters in yeast as part of our NSERC Discovery Grant, using proteomic and transcriptomic approaches. In addition, we have an exciting new collaboration with Dr. Sabine Kuss, Department of Chemistry, to investigate drug flow across fungal membranes. This work is funded through an Interdisciplinary Research Grant from the Faculty of Science, and a University of Manitoba Collaborative Research Grant.
We are continuing work on the structure and function of the voltage-gated anion-selective channel (VDAC, porin) in fungal mitochondria. We are investigating the structure and organization of VDAC in membrane mimetics such as detergents, using a variety of biophysical methods. We have probed its roles in the function and regulation of mitochondrial and cellular activities, using proteomic and genetic approaches in Neurospora. Currently, we are investigating the interactions between VDAC and hexokinase.
We enjoy a continuous series of longstanding and exciting collaborations with Dr. Steven Theriault, in which my role has been in advising and co-supervising students completing projects in virology ranging from interferon responses to human viruses to bacteriophage as biological antibiotics. The laboratory work is carried out in Dr. Theriault's Cytophage research laboratories outside of the University of Manitoba.
Wang et al. (2020)